— Rectorite is a kind of new clay raw materials To study properties of the gradient pores porous ceramics on the basis of rectorite clay raw materials is of great significance The coefficient of thermal expansion of samples was tested according to the Standard Test Method for Linear Thermal Expansion of Solid Materials with a Push rod
Yêu cầu trực tuyến →— As known rectorite is a natural aluminosilicate clay consisting of non expandable mica like layers and expandable smectite like layers in a regular 1 1 ratio Stixrude and Peacor A comparative study using two methods to produce zeolites from fly ash Miner Eng 17 2004 pp 167 173 View PDF View article View in Scopus Google
Yêu cầu trực tuyến →— The intercalating growth of new silicate layers or metal hydroxide layers in the interlayer space of other clay minerals is known from various mixed layer clay minerals such as illite smectite I S chlorite vermiculite and mica vermiculite In a recent study the present authors proposed that smectitegroup minerals can be synthesized from solution
Yêu cầu trực tuyến →: Sorption of Ni on Na rectorite as a function of contact time temperature pH and fulvic acid FA /humic acid HA was studied under ambient conditions A pseudo second order rate equation was used to simulate the kinetic sorption
Yêu cầu trực tuyến →— A quasi solid phase method to efficiently depolymerize the rectorite was developed • The rectorite can be completely and efficiently depolymerized at 170 °C within h • The rectorite was fully depolymerized into mesoscale monomers dimers and chains • The depolymerized rectorites exhibit high reactivity for zeolite synthesis
— At present scholars have proposed several methods to improve the conductivity of electrode materials for efficient charge transfer in flow electrode capacitive deionization Rectorite can attain cost effective desalination performance with the enhancement of the 3D current collector Finally the effects of rectorite Rec content
Yêu cầu trực tuyến →— Sorption of TC on rectorite under different pHs is plotted in Fig experimental data were well fitted by the Langmuir isotherm 4 S = K L S m C 1 K L C where S is the amount of TC sorbed on solid at equilibrium mg g −1 C the equilibrium solute concentration mg L −1 S m the sorption maximum mg g −1 and K L the
Yêu cầu trực tuyến →— In this study composite oxygen carriers OCs were prepared by the extrusion spheronization method using disused fine <100 μm iron and copper ores as raw materials A range of inert aluminosilicates namely diatomite montmorillonite rectorite pseudo boehmite pumice and attapulgite were tested as binders to achieve uniform
Yêu cầu trực tuyến →Cuprous oxide Cu<sub>2</sub>O /rectorite nanocomposites were prepared through polyol method by using cupric acetate complex as precursor of Cu aiming to utilize the iron species in the clay material and hydrogen peroxide derived from Cu<sub>2</sub>O to form a novel immobilized Fenton system The obtained nanocomposites were characterized by X ray
Yêu cầu trực tuyến →— Cuprous oxide Cu2O /rectorite nanocomposites were prepared through polyol method by using cupric acetate complex as precursor of Cu aiming to utilize the iron species in the clay material and
Yêu cầu trực tuyến →— Visible light induced Bi 2 WO 6 /rectorite BR composites were prepared by a sol gel method The as prepared samples were characterized by X ray diffraction XRD scanning electron microscopy SEM transmission electron microscopy TEM UV vis diffuse reflectance spectrum Fourier transform infrared FTIR spectrum X ray
Yêu cầu trực tuyến →— The ibuprofen rectorite composites were prepared by the solution intercalation method using ibuprofen and rectorite as raw materials and were characterized by X ray diffraction XRD analysis
Yêu cầu trực tuyến →— Section snippets Materials Rectorite was purchased from Rectorite Deposit of Zhongxiang Hubei Ionic Liquid [Bmim]I was provided by Adamas Reagent Ltd Ethylene glycol was supplied by Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co Ltd Terephthalic acid C 8 H 6 O 4 was obtained from reagents were of analytical purity and
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